Laughter begins with the eyebrows,
Lifting the edges of the eyelids
As the lips lengthen and the cheeks
Puff upwards into plush balls.
The mouth parts with gaping teeth.
From below the abdomen tightens.
As the lungs inhale vibrating molecules
Of oxygen, the vocal cords tremble.
A pause.
Silence muted by a
Cackle in the back of the throat
Thrusting forth
Booming, roaring, sustained by natural,
Head thrown back,
Belly tumbling into a Clausian
Ho! Ho! Ho! Before gasping
For air to command Laughter onward!
Tears caressing warm cheeks,
Eyes gleaming.
What remains is a rubius glow,
An earnest upturn of the lips:
Now an Ode to Smile.