a tattoo I wanted when I was young
enough for someone to have been
skeptical because I was young but I
wanted everything so badly, perfer
et obdura, carry on and endure, dolor
hic tibi proderit olim, even this pain will
be useful to you someday. it was like
a door opening somewhere inside a
deep darkness, back when my sternum
plucked for meaning, warmth pooling
in the enteric brain to say this, a body
signaling, prognostication feeling like
a promise. if pain has a reason it can
be worthwhile. dolor pain as in the
empty text in templates, lorem ipsum,
the do- dropped off in a printing and
pain itself, it means, the passage says
no one seeks out pain itself, it comes
to us through other pleasures. now
we ask why a young person learned
a dead language, even if it taught
a reverence in the clinic at bedside
to ask siente usted el dolor cuando
and the word is old, the pain is young,
pain or pleasure constricting the
whole world its time its purpose as
a circle of muscle, an iris, a rainbow.
there is no reason except for what
makes it make sense at the time,
I am sorry, maybe this will be useful,
where you are I have been, or never
will be I am sorry, your pain I cannot
feel but now it takes days to notice
dolor settling as a weight inside, days
after we speak, saying that sometimes
things happen for no reason, but I
can bring you some water, or ice, a
warm blanket, I am asking you or your
pain in words that do not matter please
let me be useful